Wednesday afternoon Suzanne met with a
prosthetist to discuss possibly fitting her for temporary legs, in an effort to move the progress forward at a faster rate. However, due to the scarring and weak skin on the lower legs, he would like to wait until the future shaping operations have been completed before fitting. The risk would be in tearing the skin or wounds moving her backwards instead of ahead. He showed us a prosthetic leg with a quick release socket mechanism, which will be easy to operate. It involves a silicone sleeve with a peg on the bottom. Once the sleeve it worn, the new leg mechanically fastens to the peg. An image can be seen
here on Corbis, but it is right protected and I don’t want to get anyone upset.
On Monday, Suzanne had
nerve conduction testing performed on her right arm. There is nerve damage or obstruction in the forearm, which is preventing her from using her hand effectively. The test electrically stimulated the nerves and muscles for abnormal responses.
It yielded informative but disappointing results. It didn’t reveal the cause of the signal loss, but located where the good nerves end and the damage begins. The hand specialist will review the results before we return to
Baltimore to discuss the results with the hand specialist.
Other than that, the game plan is to continue waiting the remaining weeks until meeting with the surgeon about reshaping the legs.