Monday, August 15, 2011

Teen receives bionic hand from Mercedes

In a story detailed at The Telegraph, fourteen-year-old Matthew James, received a top-of-the-line bionic hand from the Mercedes F1 racing team.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Craig Dietz swimming across Chesapeake Bay

Motivational speaker, and limbless athlete, Craig Dietz, is currently swimming across the Chesapeake in the Great Chesapeake Bay Swim 4.4 mile race. There is an interview with Craig, here on the WLKY website. And if you want to know more about Craig, you can check out his motivational speaking website here.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Progress Made

For those of you who are still reading this, I realize that it has been quite a while since I posted any updates. There has been little to report with regards to Suzanne’s medical procedures or prosthetics. And since that has been the primary focus of this blog, no news, means no posts. However, I am delighted to say that Suzanne has started to return to work. Her company has been very accommodating, allowing her to return 1-2 days per week, over the last couple of months. And just this week, she gave a talk at a chemical industry convention, with over a hundred audience members. I would not say that her journey is complete, but she has definitely started down the path. We are all very proud of Suzanne and her accomplishments. Next step: Driver’s license.