Tuesday, June 3, 2008

One step closer...

Suzanne came out of the operation with flying colors. She spent several hours recovering in the PACU, before moving back to the 3E wing, with the same nurses from her previous stay. There was a parade of hugs and well wishes from the nurses and technicians who became an extended family over the winter months. Suzanne said it was “like a homecoming” and she was glad that she was with the nurses whom she knows.
The operation focused on the shape and structure of Suzanne's left leg. The two bones, tibia and fibula, had fused together during her original hospital stay, probably due to her increased metabolism for healing and scarring. By waiting until she has returned to homeostasis, the chances of a repeat fuse are unlikely. Dr. Jordan has indicated he would like to address her right leg in about 4 weeks. But overall, today was a success. She will stay for 2 to 3 nights for observation before returning home for further recovery.


  1. I'm so glad the surgery went well. I'm sending happy thoughts your way. Love ya!

    Katie M

  2. Glad the surgery went well Suz. Hope the recovery is quick. You will be moving and dancing before you know it. I think about you, Patrick and Gabby often and wish the best for you all.


  3. Glad to hear everything went as well as could be expected!
    Love, Brian & Christine
