Friday, January 30, 2009

Standing Tall

Today Suzanne received her second prosthetic leg. This is the first time in over 15 months that she has stood upright, on her own. There is a great deal of discomfort in the pair, as she is now putting all of her weight onto her patellar tendons. Over the course of the coming weeks, and after much physical therapy, she should be able to walk unassisted. However for the time being, she has a walker and her wheelchair to get around. We are all very excited about this milestone and look forward to her increased mobility and comfort. (Click Image to Enlarge)

More details about Suzanne's prosthetic feet here and here.


  1. Suez, this is awesome news. You guys should come over for dinner soon. Tonight perhaps?

  2. Suzanne, There will be no stopping you now. You look great. Looks like you got some help in the background. Can't wait to see you all.
    Love you, Claire

  3. Suzanne, You have worked so hard to get here, we are so proud of you. Can't wait to see you next month.

    Lots of Love
    Auntie Penny and Uncle Eddie

    ps give your little helper a big hug and kiss for us and a great big hug and kiss for your big helper.

  4. Congratulations! We're very happy for you. Can't wait to see you in June. Gabby is getting so big -- she's adorable.
    Brian, Christine & Sam

  5. You look amazing. You are doing awesome. We are all so happy and inspired by you.
    Smiles and Love,

  6. Suzanne,

    Congratulations! You look great.

    Jan & Jim (Laurie's Parents)

  7. Suzanne, Good job kiddo. Carol and I are super proud of you. Can't wait to see you, Patrick, and Gabby. You're our Rockstar.
    Scott and Carol

  8. Suzanne, your smile says it all. Everyone, clear the dance she comes!!

    So happy for you,
    Lisa, Russell, & the kids xo

  9. Hey Sue, I am very excited for all of you! I know you have alot of therapy ahead of you and I am only a phone call away if you need any reassurance. I am counting down the days until we get to hang out; (14). Can't wait and then you need to get your butt into rehab. Lots of Love, Kimberly

  10. you go girl!!!!!!!!! what an awesome sight!!!!!!
    love, Dennis & Dawn

  11. Whoo-Hoo! What an awesome day. You have come so far and we are overjoyed for you. Can't wait to see you again!
    Love, Christy, Brad & Abby

  12. that is so awesome... whohoo!! keep up the great work!
    Love you,

  13. Suzanne you look great! Can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks.
    Love, Danielle and Shaun

  14. Keep up the great work Suzanne! Can't wait to see the progress!
    Love, Marc and Abby

  15. This news made my day!! You'll never know what an inpsiration you are to me!! This will give you so much independence. I'm thrilled! Miss you and thinking of you always. Love you! Maria T

  16. This is fantastic news Suzanne!! Congrats!! We are always thinking about you. Wow....your little one is growing so fast. Seems not so long ago when you were pregnant at the reunion. You are always welcome to stay with us in Ottawa when you are ready to venture up to Canada. On Oprah, this Wednesday, she has on a guest that has gone through a similar situation as you. I thought you might like to watch this.

    Denise & Paul Levecque

  17. Wow, you look great. We are so happy for you. Keep up the good work. We love you.

    Mike and Rachel

  18. Congratulations Suzanne! You look great, and I love your hair! We can't wait to see in a few weeks!
    Love, Colleen, Seth and Kendrick

  19. Suz, you're looking great! Before long, you'll be running in the yard with Gabby!

    Bill, Abbey, and Trent

  20. So awesome Suzy!!! And look at that adorable cheerleader behind you! We miss you....hope to see you soon!

    Tanya and Mark

  21. Suzanne, your smile says it all. We are so happy that you are that much closer to achieving your goals and can't wait to see you and your wonderful family next week. Uncle Mike and Aunt Polly

  22. Wow, best thing that I've read in a very long time. You're glowing!

  23. Yay Suz! You look awesome!!

    Ali C.

  24. You look great (love the hair)! I can't wait for you to come back to work so that you can keep Larry in line. He's getting way to rowdy! :) Alicia M.

  25. Awesome Suzanne! Way to go--you're doing great! All your hard work has paid off! You are truly inspiring!

  26. Awesome Suzanne! Way to go--you're doing great! All your hard work has paid off! You are truly inspiring!

  27. Hey Angel,

    Jeff told me about this site. Cool stuff. I have my SOCMA's Angels picture on my desk, as you instructed. We'll have to do a SOCMA's Angels reunion. See you soon.

    Coop (aka Charlie)

  28. Suzanne,

    Congratulations! This an incredible milestone. You're a true inspiration.

    Dan S.

  29. I thought you all would be interested in this article! I live in the DFW area and saw it in yesterday's paper...

  30. Suz,
    You look great! I hope the discomfort has subsided some and you are able to get around better. I am so happy to see that things are still progressing positively for you, Patrick and Gabby.
    Warmest wishes and thoughts, Melanie
