Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stents and Stones

Throwing a kink into the planned operation, Suzanne had a kidney stone reveal itself right before Christmas. The choice to have it removed immediately meant that she would have it out before the trip to Massachusetts but side effects would linger into the planned hand surgery timeline. It will now take place on the 17th and today the ureteral stent was removed, which was in place to ensure the flow through the affected ureter. The new date doesn't impact any leg operations, as none are currently scheduled. Other than that, Happy New Year, to our readers. We hope to soon report the last operation some time in the coming months.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Patrick for keeping us all informed. I do read the blog a couple times a month, to keep up on you guys. Glad to see Suzanne is making tremendous progress. Carol and I are super proud of her. You and she have officially become the most amazing people we know. Can't wait to see you guys at Super Bowl.

