Yesterday, Suzanne, had a follow-up surgery on her right wrist and hand. If you recall, back in January, she had an operation to increase mobility on her thumb(and index finger) as it had been seized preventing her from grasping anything with what was her dominant hand. The tissue transfer from her upper arm to her hand took well and it was finally time to clean it up. Dr. Higgins performed the operation again. He was able to remove some of scar tissue from the earliest operations in 2007. But the main purpose was to remove a lot of the bulk associated with the transferred tissue. It appears, for now, that she is done with hand operations for the foreseeable future. Being a “minor” surgery, relative to what she has already seen, she was able to return home after only a few hours in recovery. She is doing well.
Here is another remarkable amputee in the news:
Things are picking up for the bionic boy
Awesome there, Great work, keep it up. I love returning back to this site and reading the quality content you always have on offer.