Friday, March 21, 2008

Gabby's First Easter

Suzanne climbed into the wheelchair to go to Kiddie Kandids for Gabby's 5 month portrait. After a couple of weeks in the house, with only visits to the various doctors, it's good to get her out and back into mainstream society. She is adjusting well and is looking forward to visiting with friends very soon.

Here's one of the photos we took today. The doll was one of the first gifts we received after finding out Suzanne was having a girl. Nella found a matching outfit and we thought it would be great to put them together. Gabby is thriving, thanks to constant attention from mommy and grandma. Sadly, next week she gets another series of shots; I'm glad we took the portrait first.


  1. How cute is she....and of course Nella could find a matching dress. I love it. We can't wait to see you guys!!!

    Happy Easter,
    Tanya & Mark

  2. She is adorable! What a cute shot. I am so glad Suzanne was home to be celebrate her first Easter. I am sure it wil be a very special holiday for oyu all- enjoy!

    Many blessings to you all, and Happy Easter!

  3. Gabby is so cute. Hope you all had a wonderful Easter together at home. Glad to hear you are doing so well Suz.
    Take care,
    Melanie and Brad

  4. TOP 5 BABY! So cute, seriously!

    Happy Easter and thanks for all the updates. You guys rock and I miss you tons...


  5. hey pat and suzanne...i haven't been on the blog for a while and am excited to see so much going on. gabby looks adorable and it is so great to see you guys at home. we are thinking of you often and praying for continued improvement.

    happy easter,
    andy and sara

  6. Pat and Suzanne,

    This was my first time checking out the blog, as I just learned about it from Andy, what a great update! I've been thinking about you all a lot and am very glad to hear how well things are going! Gabby is absolutely beautiful! May things continue to progress in that direction!

    Love, Rochelle

  7. Hello Patrick, Suzanne, Gabby & grandparents...

    Steve & Sue showed us the recent Gabby, & Gabby, mommy,daddy photos
    what a gorgeous family. I again checked out your blog to catch up.
    Continued prayers as the simplest moments touch you in a special way.
    Prayers for Continued strength to all. Mr. & Mrs. Medeiros, Dartmouth

  8. Dear Suzanne, Patrick and Gabby,
    Suzanne - we are glad to hear that you have come home! Gabby is just adorable. We know that we lost touch since U of MD and we only recently heard about your story. A brief update on our lives - we live in Forest Hills, NY and we have a 2 1/2 year old son. Take care of each other. We will keep in touch.
    Jason, Rachel and Michael Sanabia
