Monday, February 25, 2008

Day Pass

Yesterday, Suzanne's doctor allowed her the opportunity to come home for the day. The intention was to present the real-world obstacles and daily challenges she will be encountering when she returns home next week. It will allow her to focus her efforts in this final week at the NRH. By working with countertops, baths, the bed, crib and such she was able to practice navigating these obstacles in and out of the wheelchair. One major problem we discovered is pushing the chair through the heavy carpet pile. With the assistance of Joe, Sue completed her daily exercises at the house. Along with him, were both sets of our parents and the baby for the emotional temporary homecoming. I regretted having to drive her back to the hospital for her 8PM curfew. However the end is nigh.


  1. We are so happy to hear that your homecoming is so close! We think about you all the time and are wishing you all the best. Miss you and looking forward to hearing about your days at home.

    Love Alli, Chai and Gavin

  2. That is wonderful news! I can't wait to hear about Suzanne finally getting to stay home and be with her beautiful little girl!

  3. Awesome news!
    I have goosebumps up and down my arms. What a feeling that must have been for you Suzanne!! I am so happy for all of you!
    Love, Lisa

  4. Maybe y'all can put a good set of chains on the wheelchair tires to make it though the carpet. Just kidding. Great to hear everything is progressing. Love, Brian and Christine.

  5. this is wonderful news.. so happy to hear that you will finally go home. good luck and enjoy your little girl..
    miss you and love you much
    Love, Bhakti, Jeff and Mira

  6. What wonderful news! I can't wait to hear more about Suzanne at her home with her baby!

  7. SO excited to hear that Suzanne came home for the day... and that her return home is coming soon! Please let us know when she's up for visitors, we'd love to come see you all. :)
    Kris Anne and Jonathan

  8. We are so glad to read the latest progress. We continue to pray for your strength and for that of your families.

    God Bless....Mr. & Mrs. Medeiros

  9. Great news! Pretty soon you'll be doing a couple of these...

    Keep up the great work!
    Love, Marc and Abby

  10. Great News! We're so happy to hear you'll be going home soon. Can't wait to see you..
    Love, Danielle and Shaun
