Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Suzanne

Suzanne met with her prosthetist on Tuesday to begin the casting process for the molds which will be used to snugly fit the prosthetic limbs, once completed. A detailed description of the process can be found here. But simply, the process is to create a negative mold which will be used to create an identical limb to Suzanne residual limb.
The left leg was completed on Tuesday. On Wednesday she visited with her surgeon again to assess the progress on her right leg. Because she is still waiting for the tissue to heal from her last surgery, the prosthetist did not want to make a mold of the right. But Her surgeon is gung-ho and thinks she is ready to be cast for that side as well. This will allow Suzanne to begin walking with both legs, rather than just one, on a temporary basis, as was originally planned. Now we need to get her back in there for the right mold. Stay tuned for an update on the delivery of the new legs. In the meantime, she is celebrating her birthday today (35), and happily celebrated Gabrielle’s over the last week. It is hard to believe that it has been a year since this all began. But looking forward is a lot easier than backward – more comfortable on the neck.


  1. Happy Birthday and Great News!

    Keep it up!

    Bill, Abbey, and Trent

  2. Happy birthday Suzanne! It was great to talk to you today!

  3. Happy Birthday! We're glad to hear all is going well...can't wait to see you guys again.
    Danielle and Shaun

  4. Happy Birthday Suzanne! Happy Birthday Gabrielle! Wonderful news with your progress. Looking forward to talking to you soon. Love,

  5. Suz! Happy B-day!

    I can't believe Gabbi is one year already. And I can't believe we are in our mid-30s. Ugh.

    I hope the fitting for your right leg happens asap.

    Always in our prayers,

    Frank, Stef & the Bud

  6. Happy Birthday to you and Gabby...

    You look great and it is wonderful to hear such good news.

    Donna & Paul

  7. Happy birthday Suz! You're looking great! Glad to hear that things are moving along.

    Tom W.

  8. Happy Belated Bday my dear AHA friend. I still wear my "walk with Suz" shirt religiously :)
    Sending lots of love and prayers to the 3 of you.
    Love Maria

  9. Hello there Hartigan family! I haven't posted in ahwile but that does not mean I am not thinking of you all. I enoyed reading the blogs and seeing the progress Suzanne is making. Amazing! I hope Gabby and Suze had a great b-day, mine was last Sunday so I guess we are all Libra's. Keep it up with the great work- its inspiring!! I am going to send in a donation for Gabby's fund next month. You can count on it every year from me!


  10. Apparently you also decided to get UV lenses attached to your hair for your birthday. Good for you! Those sun rays can be murder on the roots. :) Seriously, though. Happy belated. There is so much to be thankful for in light of everything.
