Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mother Warriors, Monica appears on Oprah

All of us here at the "Bionic Mom" blog are familiar with the story of Monica Sprague. Now Oprah has brought Sepsis to the front of everyone else's minds. Monica appeared with Jenny McCarthy today, and Suzanne was fortunate enough to be home to see it. Sue said she was glad to to see how strong Monica looked. She was glad that Monica was up and walking and had such high energy. Since removing the staples in her right leg, she met with her prosthetist about measuring for the left leg. Nothing more to report right now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suz--I've been thinking of you lots and trying to get in touch with you for awhile. I hope your recovery is going well! Lets try to talk soon when you have some time!

    Love Alli

    P.S. Chai and Gavin say HI!
